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Csendes Dávid Budapest Bajnok

https://www.facebook.com/se.celtudat/posts/432151464720593?notif_id=1613... Budapest Champioships 10m 2021
The rifle shooters brought home a gold and a silver medal from the competition.Junior men air rifle 60
 4. András Dénes  618.4
U15 men air rifle 40 Dávid Csendes  393 9.Adorján Tunyogi  366 14. Marcello Bruno Cavriani 310 U15 women air rifle 40 Inez Petra Keresztesi 383 6.Gitta Ökrös  365 11. Panka Angyal Rácz 343 Youth men air rifle 40 6.Csaba Rescsik  401.5 Youth women air rifle 40 10. Hanna Sahin-Tóth 398.5 1. Jákó Miriam 381 8. Győri Ágnes 541